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Ozark Regional Transit Request For Proposals - Transit Advertising Services


Ozark Regional Transit Authority invites proposals for the services described herein and in accordance with the provisions hereof. Proposals must be received by a closing date of October 23, 2024, no later than 4:00 p.m. CST

Please click for full downloadable Ozark Regional Transit Authority Transit Advertising RFP


1.0  Solicitation: 

Ozark Regional Transit Authority, (ORT), is soliciting proposals from qualified firms or individuals who meet the conditions set forth herein to place approved advertising materials on the outside and inside of ORT buses in the Northwest Arkansas Area. The selected contractor will pay a percentage of its advertising sales to ORT. 


1.1  Submission of Proposal:

Proposals must be delivered to Ozark Regional Transit Authority, care of Tayler Clark, Financial Assistant, at 2423 East Robinson Avenue, Springdale, Arkansas, 72764. Proposals must be sealed and RFP # 09.24 prominently marked on the package.

One original proposal plus two additional copies must be submitted. All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the provisions hereof on or before the submission deadline of 4:00 p.m. CST on October 23, 2024. No proposal submitted after the submission deadline will be considered.

The following forms and documentation must be included with proposal submittal:

  1. Proposals in Response to Request for Proposal #09.24

  2. Receipt of Addenda Certification

  3. Non-Collusion Assurance Affidavit

  4. DBE Certification

  5. EEO Certification

  6. Eligible Offeror Certification

  7. Restrictions on Lobbying Certification

1.2   Proposal Opening:

Proposals submitted in accordance with the requirements will be publicly opened and examined on October 31, 2024 @ 2:00 p.m.  Be advised, the contents of each proposal, including documents marked proprietary, shall be made public. An estimated date of award of the contract is November 21, 2024.


1.3 Request for Clarifications:

Any request for clarifications must be in writing and submitted by the proposer to 2423 East Robinson Avenue, Springdale, Arkansas, 72764 to the attention of Tayler Clark, or to by the close of business on October 16, 2024.   Requests for clarification and consequent responses will be posted on the Ozark Regional Transit website,

1.4  Proposal Inquiries:

All inquiries regarding this RFP should be directed to Tayler Clark,

1.5    Pre-Proposal Meeting:
  • A non-mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held October 10, 2024, at 2:00 PM at the office of ORT.  The purpose of this conference is to allow potential offerors an opportunity to present questions and obtain clarification relative to any facet of this solicitation.

  • Due to the importance of all offerors having a clear understanding of the scope of work and requirements of this solicitation, attendance at this meeting is recommended.



ORT is soliciting proposals from qualified firms or individuals who meet the conditions set forth herein for the privilege to place approved advertising materials on the outside and inside of Ozark Regional Transit (ORT) buses in the Northwest Arkansas Area.  The selected contractor will pay a percentage of its advertisement sales to ORT.

Ozark Regional Transit (ORT) is Northwest Arkansas’ public transportation system that provides fixed route and paratransit bus service in the Washington and Benton County area with the major cities of Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers, and Bentonville being served.


With an annual operating budget of approximately $6 million, Ozark Regional Transit provides approximately 300,000 passenger trips per year on the fixed route transit service and approximately 35,000 passenger trips on the paratransit service.  Ozark Regional Transit owns all the facilities, equipment and rolling stock needed to carry out operations. The rolling stock consists of approximately 48 vehicles.



The contract for the Advertising Concession is for a two-year period.  Two (2) two-year extensions are available, to be exercised upon ORT’s determination, for a potential contract total of six years.  ORT shall notify the contract recipient of its determination, in writing, at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of the base contract term or option term.


ORT reserves the right to terminate the contract in the event of any default to the terms of the agreement by giving thirty (30) days written notice, via certified mail, of intent to do so.



ORT reserves the right to terminate the contract upon thirty (30) days written notice, by certified mail, to the successful proposer, should ORT wish to discontinue advertising on all or part of the fleet. The successful proposer shall cease all sales efforts immediately upon receipt of the letter of termination. All advertising displays on and in the buses at the time of the advertising prohibition will continue to remain in place through the expiration of the terms of their applicable contracts.


The successful proposer will be required, within ten (10) days after receiving written notice to do so, to enter an operating contract with ORT.  The terms and conditions of a final contract between ORT and the successful proposer will be subject to negotiation. Terms will include, but not be limited to, ORT maintaining any current advertising contracts already obligated to ORT, until preexisting contractual particulars are met.


The contract will be considered a part of the specifications herein and is incorporated by this reference.



The contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless ORT from all damage, loss or injury (including the resulting death of any person), lawsuits, claims, demands or liens resulting from the installation, maintenance, or use of any advertising display on ORT vehicles or property.



ORT is soliciting written proposals from interested firms to act as its exclusive agent for the sale and independent management of transit advertising in and on its fleet of buses.


The successful proposer will pay ORT a percentage of its advertising sales revenue.



The successful proposer, at its own expense, will be responsible for posting advertising signs, removing outdated signs and any signs rejected by ORT.  ORT reserves the right to reject any advertising it finds to be offensive or objectionable.


Installation and ongoing maintenance of signs and other necessary activities of the successful proposer must not interfere with ORT’s operations.  Access to vehicles will be provided only at times consistent with the working hours of the operating facilities.  Vehicles will not be removed from service for the purpose of installing or removing advertising signs.



ORT is open to most methods to display signs, standard sign frames, lighted signs, full or partial wraps and direct application of vinyl signs.


ORT operates public transit vehicles that includes the following:

(8) 2018 Arboc Equess Buses, 30 Foot

(4) 2018 Arboc Equess Buses, 35 Foot

(8) 2017 Arboc Spirit of Liberty Cut-Away Buses

(3) 2017 Ford E-450 Cut-Away Buses

(4) 2022 Plymouth VoyagerVehicles

(6) 2021 Ford Transit Vans

(8) 2022 Dodge Ram Promaster Vans

A detailed fleet profile is provided as Attachment 1.


The successful proposer will be responsible for any paint damage on buses when wraps or directly applied signs are removed and shall compensate ORT for the expense incurred to repaint the damaged sections.



ORT will require the successful proposer to maintain the advertising space on all vehicles in a clean and professional manner. When advertisements are removed, the “blank canvas” must be cleaned and restored to pre-advertising condition.


ORT and the award winner will work together to determine the best size and description of the advertising spaces available for each style of vehicle.


ORT and the award winner will work together to design the materials necessary to ensure potential advertisers are aware of the vehicle types, advertising opportunities, advertising pricing and opportunities for the creation and application of the advertiser’s message. This information will be ultimately created by the award winner and any printed materials or electronic materials are to be shared with ORT. If the award winner presents a mid-contract pricing change to potential advertisers, it must be approved by ORT before the new pricing structure is implemented.



When available, ORT will provide an indoor space at ORT’s facility, free of charge, to the successful proposer for the handling and installation of advertising signs as the maintenance schedule allows. There is no guarantee that this space will always be available. The successful proposer is responsible for keeping this work area neat and clean.



The successful proposer will maintain and operate from a staffed office that is accessible either in person or by phone, to ORT employees during regular business hours of Monday through Friday, from 8AM to 4PM CST.



All advertisements shall be of a reputable character, shall conform to recognized business standards and shall not conflict with the laws of the United States, Arkansas or political subdivisions thereof.  Proposers are specifically advised and hereby notified that the graphics, artwork and copy of the advertisements are expected to be of high quality and of appropriate sensitivity.  ORT will have sole and unquestioned authority to determine what constitutes high quality and appropriate sensitivity.  However, ORT requests the proposers to submit outlines for proposed advertising standards/guidelines and to note how they would strive to limit questionable advertising.


Immoral, vulgar, disreputable, or other advertisements that may be offensive to the public shall not be accepted.  ORT also expressly reserves the sole right to refuse any advertisement which may be construed to reflect its support for a particular product, service, idea, political viewpoint, or point of view.

Advertising for tobacco products is expressly prohibited by the State of Arkansas and will not be displayed on or in ORT buses.


All advertising shall be printed and displayed in a neat and skillful manner.  The successful proposer shall maintain all displayed advertising to ensure its neat appearance and promptly remove all advertising that is worn or otherwise unsightly in appearance.  ORT reserves the right to require the successful proposer to promptly remove, at the proposer’s own expense, any advertising which, in the opinion of ORT, is unsightly in appearance.  The successful proposer further agrees to remove dated advertising no later than seven (7) days following the final date of an advertised event or offer.


In spaces not in use for commercial advertising, the successful proposer shall display advertisements for public, charitable, or educational events or agencies deemed by both the successful proposer and ORT to be proper for the purpose of avoiding unfilled spaces and for promotion of public good will. 


Contracts between the successful proposer and public, charitable, or educational advertising clients must be executed and processed in the same manner as for-profit advertising clients.  ORT reserves the right to offer interior ad space to certain public, charitable or educational entities free of charge.  Such clients are responsible for the production costs for said signs.


ORT reserves the right to use, without charge, unsold available advertising space for the promotion of its transit services and the general promotion of ride sharing in Arkansas. The successful proposer shall place and remove ORT advertisements without charge. ORT will be responsible for the production costs of any advertising signs.


ORT reserves the right to always promote its own interests on any vehicles.


ORT also reserves the right to wrap one bus with advertising to promote its transit services and the general promotion of ride sharing in Arkansas. 



The successful proposer will submit illustrated/wrapped designs for prior approval by ORT.  ORT reserves the right to reject any advertiser or design for an illustrated/wrapped bus.


The advertising message of illustrated/wrapped buses shall not cover any of the destination signs on the bus front, rear or side.  The bus number shall be displayed at all locations on a covered bus; front, rear and both sides.


All vinyl wraps will incorporate “OZARK REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY” predominantly displayed as part of the advertising graphics as directed by ORT staff.



The successful proposer is required to remit revenues earned each month within twenty (20) calendar days after the end of the month in which they were earned.  The revenue must be accompanied by a report that includes details of:


A.    All contracts in effect

B.    Billings for the month

C.    Collections for the month

D.    Past due amounts

E.     Total remaining balances on accounts

F.     Contract expiration dates 

The monthly payment and report are to be mailed to:

Ozark Regional Transit

Attn:  Accounts Receivable

2423 East Robinson Avenue

Springdale, Arkansas 72764


The successful proposer shall furnish ORT with copies of all signed contracts and correspondence (including changes in prices, lengths of contracts and cancellation notices) within a month of their execution.


The successful proposer shall maintain all required records for three (3) years after final payment to ORT under the terms of the operating contract.  However, if any audit, claim, or litigation is started before the expiration of the three (3) year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved.


The successful proposer will permit ORT to inspect/audit all records and financial data involved in the operation of the concession during the regular business hours maintained by the successful proposer, and at such other times upon one (1) day’s written notice.



Upon the expiration of the advertising concession contract, the successful proposer will assign and transfer to ORT all contracts for advertising on/in the buses. Said contracts will then become the property of ORT.



If the successful proposer shall default in complying with the provisions of this agreement and such default shall continue beyond thirty (30) days, then ORT may terminate this contract upon thirty (30) days written notice, via certified mail.  The contract shall terminate at the expiration of the thirty (30) day period unless the default shall be cured within the thirty (30) day period.  In the event of contract termination, neither party shall have any further claim against the other, except that the successful proposer shall be obliged to pay to ORT any monies due to the date of contract termination.


ORT may terminate this agreement and may remove, without liability to it, any advertising matter displayed on its vehicles if the successful proposer becomes bankrupt or insolvent.


A Revenue Proposal bid form is included as part of this RFP.  Proposers shall submit this form as their official revenue proposal.  Failure to incorporate this bid form in their proposal will result in the proposer’s bid being considered non-responsive.



Proposer shall submit on the required bid form the percentage of annual revenue collected for the sale of advertising space that it will share with ORT. Annual revenue is defined as the amount collected for the advertising space.


The successful proposer shall report the annual revenue at the end of each contract year. 



  1. The proposer must have a minimum of five years of experience in the advertising sales business and demonstrate it can fulfill the obligations of this contract.

  2. The proposer will provide the resumes of the company principals involved with the contract, inclusive of the lead individuals for the Connecticut sales force.

  3. The proposer will provide a list of other agencies that are current clients, inclusive of the name and phone number of a contact person at each agency.

  4. The proposer must demonstrate it can successfully acquire national advertising contracts and to operate a sales program designed to produce maximum advertising income for ORT.



ORT desires concise proposals and suggests the following format:

A.    Firm Name

B.    Business Address

C.    Telephone Number

D.    Year business established

E.   Type of Organization - Individual, Partnership, or Corporation and whether firm is a disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE)

F.     Statement of Qualifications - Statement of qualifications and relevant experience in the transit advertising business for the past five years.

G.    Professional Qualifications – Resumes of key personnel to be assigned to this contract.

H.    Work Plan – Provide a brief work plan describing how your firm will provide the required services.

I.      Revenue Proposal – Complete the enclosed Revenue Proposal Bid Form.

J.      References – Provide references with financial results from other transit agencies.

K.    Audited Financial Statement – Audited statement for most recent business year.


An Evaluation Review Committee will review each proposal.  The proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the following:


Experience and capabilities of proposer –  30 points

The experience and capability of the proposer to undertake this contract with the maximum financial return to ORT.  Client references and proposer’s financial capacity will also be considered.


Experience and qualifications of staff assigned to contract  – 30 points

The sales experience of the assigned staff, especially with transit ad sales, will be strongly considered.

Revenue proposal - 40 points

The revenue bid proposal will be reviewed to determine the bid that is in the best financial interest of ORT.

3.3 ORAL INTERVIEWS                                         

Upon review of the proposals, one or more proposers may be invited to participate in oral interviews. ORT reserves the right to award the contract without conducting interviews.


ORT also reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality or irregularity if it is in the best interest of ORT to do so.

Please click for full downloadable Ozark Regional Transit Authority Transit Advertising RFP


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