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  • Writer's pictureOzark Regional Transit

Northwest Arkansas $0 Public Transportation

Welcome to Northwest Arkansas public transportation informational blog. Here we will give a quick breakdown of some highlights. We will be the first to acknowledge our transit system is not vast or touches every corner. We do what we can where we can, and it all depends on our funding. Funding will be discussed in a separate blog. Learn our transit system now while it is less complicated than bigger cities. Our 10-year growth plan is evolving. For now, this is what we have going on.

girl riding the bus listening to headphones looking out the window

Fare: $0.00 thru 2023

Hours of operation: Vary by city.

Operating days: Monday through Friday (check our holiday calendar for service interruptions)

Route 10 – Fayetteville

Route 20 – Fayetteville

Route 61 – Springdale

Route 62 – Springdale

Route 490 Express – connects Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers, and Bentonville.

Fixed Routes: Fixed routes are your traditional bus transportation options.

Bus stop A. Bus stop B. Bus stop C. Bus stop D. Bus stop A and we do it all over again.

Upside: These are timed stops. You’ll find a live bus tracker on our website. So, you know when and where the bus will be. This is great for commuting to work or school.

Fare: $0.00 thru 2023

Hours of operation: Vary by city.

Operating days: Monday through Saturday

(check our holiday calendar for service interruptions)

On-Demand: This type of travel has become more popular recently. We can cover a large about of our servicing cities and help people get exactly where they want to go. Perk: you get picked up and dropped off where you want. Downside: wait times. You may receive a “seat unavailable” when trying to book for a few reasons, but the most common is our automated 45-minute total trip limit. If your trip will cause or a current rider trip will exceed the 45 total minute mark you will not be able to book.

Fare: $0.00

Hours of operation: Vary by city.

Operating days: Monday through Saturday

(check our holiday calendar for service interruptions)

ORT’s ADA Paratransit Service is available in Washington and Benton counties to those that have applied and qualified for Paratransit eligibility with ORT under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and only within 3/4 mile of any ORT fixed or commuter route.

Under the ADA, a disability alone does not automatically qualify a person to use the ORT Complementary ADA Paratransit Service. A person who lives within 3/4 of a mile of a fixed route must be functionally unable to get to or use the fixed-route bus service to qualify to use ORT's ADA Paratransit Service.

What is ADA? It is the individual rides provided as a 'safety-net' for those who have a disability and are functionally unable to get to or use the fixed route bus services. With the implementation of fixed route service, ORT is required to comply with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing Complementary Paratransit. Complementary Paratransit Service is available in an area three quarters (3/4) of a mile in any direction from any of ORT's fixed routes and within fixed route service times. Visit to learn more.

Fare: $0.00

Hours of operation: Vary by city.

Operating days: Monday through Saturday

(check our holiday calendar for service interruptions)

ORT’s Demand Response Service ORT’s Demand Response Service is available to those that do not qualify for an ADA paratransit ride and live more than 3/4 mile from any ORT fixed or commuter route. Serving Benton, Washington and Carroll County, primarily Berryville in Carroll County.

What is Demand Response? Ozark Regional Transit Authority's Demand Response service is available to residents of Washington, Benton, and Madison counties. The purpose of Demand Response is to service those with disabilities who do not qualify for an ADA Paratransit ride and/or live more than 3/4ths of a mile from an Ozark Regional Transit fixed or commuter route. However, complementary Paratransit Service is available in an area three quarters (3/4) of a mile in any direction from any of ORT's fixed routes and within fixed route service times. Under the ADA, a disability alone does not automatically qualify a person to use the ORT Complementary ADA Paratransit Service. A person who lives within 3/4 of a mile of a fixed route must be functionally unable to get to or use the fixed-route bus service to qualify to use ORT's ADA Paratransit Service. Visit to learn more.

Woman riding on bus with friend looking at her phone.

On a fixed route bus and your stop is coming up? Let the driver know your stop is coming by pulling the tab as you see “arrival” sign pop up before your stop. If you don’t and no one is waiting, our driver will pass it.

Trying to book an “ORT On-Demand” ride and getting, "Sorry we are experiencing high demand and all of our seats are filled. Please try again later" message? Here is why: On-demand is a rideshare service, we have a 45-minute round trip max – for our rider trip.

How our service currently works: If passenger “A” books a ride from “Fayetteville Animal Services to the NWA Mall”. Then passenger “B” requests a ride from “Walton Art Center to Evelyn Hills Shopping center”. Our app will calculate whether passenger “A’s” round trip will be completed within the 45-minute mark. If the new request will impact passenger “A’s” trip, then passenger “B” request will be denied and shown a “seat unavailable.”

If we didn’t have a round trip ride max time example: If passenger “A” books a ride from “Fayetteville Animal Services to the NWA Mall”. Then passenger “B” books a ride from “Walton Art Center to Evelyn Hills Shopping center”. Rider “C” books a ride from the “Home off college to Target”. With 12 seats on a bus at any given time. The examples could go on. This was a very long-winded way to say we wouldn’t want a simple 20-minute ride to work to turn into a two + hour adventure with pickups and drop offs.

On-Demand note to driver: There is an option to add notes to your driver to help them with pickup and/or drop-off instructions: Example: Pickup I’ll be in front of the Walton art center steps. I have blue hair and I’ll be waving.

Drop-off: may you drop me off by NWA Mall – Food court entrance.

Do you have a question we didn't answer or would like clarification? Please call us 479-756-5901 or if calling isn't your thing feel free to contact us via our website here.


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