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Do I need to apply for ADA eligibility
If you have a disability and your desired pick-up and drop-off location is within 3/4 mile of a fixed route, you need to submit a completed application within 30 days or services will no longer be provided. If you have a disability and your desired pick-up or drop-off location is more than 3/4 mile from a fixed route, go ahead and apply. A new route could be added near you at any time. It will apply only to any rides that begin and end within 3/4 mile of a fixed or commuter route and within fixed and commuter route service times. If you do not have a disability, you do not need to apply.
How do I apply for ADA eligibility?
To be eligible for ORT ADA Paratransit Service, you must:
Complete an ADA Paratransit Eligibility Application
Provide the completed Professional Verification that pertains to your disability
If more information is needed from you or the person doing your Professional Verification, it will be required before a determination can be given. If you are unwilling or unable to provide the needed information, a letter of denial of eligibility will be sent. You may apply again when you are prepared to provide the needed information.
If an evaluation of your ability to perform the skills needed to use the fixed routes and/or Paratransit services are requested, you will need to participate in it. If you refuse to participate, your eligibility will be denied because the application process has not been completed. If this evaluation is required it will be at no cost to you and transportation will be provided.
An eligibility committee will review the eligibility application, the professional verification, and any evaluation information provided to determine your level of eligibility.
Eligible riders are certified for services for a period of up to two (2) years. The eligibility period will depend on the Paratransit passengers specific disability and, if temporary in its duration.
You will be informed of this decision in writing within twenty-one (21) days. If a decision has not been made within 21 days, full eligibility will be assumed until the application has been processed and a decision mailed to you.
If you disagree with ORT's denial of eligibility or the level of eligibility granted to use the ADA Paratransit Service, you may appeal that decision. See 'How to Appeal if Denied Eligibility' below.
Applications and all information for ORT's ADA Paratransit Service may be obtained by calling Ozark Regional Transit at (479)756-5901 ext. 2 to have information to be mailed or faxed; it can be downloaded off ORT’s web site at www.ozark.org; or it may be picked up at Ozark Regional Transit’s office located at 2423 East Robinson Ave in Springdale, Arkansas.
How do I appeal if denied eligibility?
If you do not meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) eligibility criteria for ADA Paratransit, you will be informed of this decision in writing within twenty-one (21) days. If a decision has not been made within 21 days, full eligibility will be assumed until the application has been processed and a decision mailed to you. The letter will explain the reasons for the denial as related to the eligibility criteria.
You have the right to appeal the denial of eligibility or the level of eligibility granted to you. You must appeal the decision by contacting the Operations Scheduling Manager in writing and schedule an Appeal Hearing within sixty (60) days of the date of the denial or eligibility letter. You (or your representative) and the original eligibility decision maker will each have ten minutes to present information and arguments.
Transportation will not be provided during this period, unless a decision has not been made within 30 days of the appeal date. Transportation will then be provided until a decision is reached by the Operations Scheduling Manager. If you do not schedule the appeal hearing or do not show up for it, the original eligibility decision will stand.
If you disagree with the Operation Scheduling Manager’s decision of a denial of eligibility or the level of eligibility given, you may appeal to the Executive Director. This second appeal must be made in writing and a hearing set up within 15 days of the date of Operations Scheduling Manager’s eligibility determination letter.
Transportation will not be provided during this period, unless a decision has not been made within 30 days of the appeal date. Transportation will then be provided until a decision is reached by the Executive Director.
This is consistent with the administrative appeals process as detailed in Section 37.125 of the Federal Regulation 49CFR Part 37 entitled, Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities, dated September 30, 2013.
Write to:
Ozark Regional Transit Authority
Operations Scheduling Manager
2423 E. Robinson Avenue
Springdale, AR 72764
(479) 756-5901 Ext. 6749