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ADA Guide
ORT’s ADA Paratransit Service is available in Washington and Benton counties to those that have applied and qualified for Paratransit eligibility with ORT under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and only within 3/4 mile of any ORT fixed or commuter route.
ADA Service Information
What is ADA?
It is the individual rides provided as a 'safety-net' for those who have a disability and are functionally unable to get to or use the fixed route bus services. With the implementation of fixed route service, ORT is required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing Complementary Paratransit. Complementary Paratransit Service is available in an area three-quarters (3/4) of a mile in any direction from any of ORT's fixed routes and within fixed route service times.
Who can use ORT's ADA Service
Under the ADA, a disability alone does not automatically qualify a person to use the ORT Complementary ADA Paratransit Service. A person must be functionally unable to get to or use the fixed-route bus service to qualify to use ORT's ADA Paratransit Service.
Complementary Paratransit Service is provided to the following three general groups of persons with disabilities:
Persons who have specific impairment-related conditions which make it impossible (not just difficult) to travel to or from the bus stop.
Persons who need a wheelchair lift or ramp and a wheelchair lift-equipped vehicle/bus is unable to deploy its lift/ramp in a particular location due to physical constraints of that particular bus stop.
Persons who are unable to board, ride, exit or otherwise navigate the fixed route bus system, even if they are able to get to a bus stop.
All Paratransit trips are on a space availability basis, and are still considered pending until 5 PM the night before the ride is to take place.
Scheduling an ADA Ride
Fare: $0.00 per destination.
Scheduling hours: Call 1-800-865-5901 and selection option 2 between 8:00am and 3:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Service Hours: 5:45am to 7:30pm. Monday through Friday.
Calls to schedule trips must be made at least one day prior to but no more than seven days in advance of a trip. When calling to schedule trips, be ready to provide the following passenger information:
Your name, address, and phone number.
Date of the trip(s).
Requested pickup, work, or appointment time(s).
Approximate length of time you want to be at each destination.
The exact street address and building entrance of each location, pickup, and drop off.
If you use a mobility device such as a wheel chair, cane or walker.
If a companion, children, personal care attendant (PCA), or service animal will be traveling with you, and if the companion uses a mobility device.
If you need assistance to and from the vehicle or are with packages.
To apply for ADA Paratransit eligibility, call 1-800-865-5901, select option 2, and ask for an application packet to be mailed to you, or visit our website at www.ozark.org and click on ADA Paratransit.
Passengers are asked:
To be ready at the beginning of their 30 minute ride time window given to them by the dispatcher. Passengers are requested to wait at the exact doorway and address indicated when the trip was scheduled.
Drivers will not come to the door unless special assistance is requested at the time you call to make your reservation, and then only once the passenger has come outside. Drivers can only assist in reaching the door of your destination.
Once a driver arrives within the given 30 minute ride time window, they will wait no longer than 5 minutes, and then proceed on to their next passenger.
Please call the dispatch office at least 2 hours in advance to cancel a ride. Failure to call and cancel your ride at least 2 hours in advance will be considered a No Show, and prevents other passengers from scheduling a ride during that time.
Frequent No Shows can result in a suspension of your riding privileges. Please see the Rider’s Guide for full details on the No Show policy and other policies pertinent to our services.
Can I schedule a ride or make changes to an already scheduled ride for the current day?Call the ORT dispatch office at least 2 hours in advance, and these requests will be accommodated if possible.
What if there is a problem with my ride, or I have a compliment or suggestion?Please call the ORT dispatch office or fill out a review form if you have any feedback on your ride experience. We appreciate your compliments, will follow up on complaints, and consider your suggestions.
Can my service animal ride along with me?Your service animal may ride with you on any ORT vehicle. Training documentation is not required but keeping the animal under control is required.
What items may I bring along?Acceptable items include shopping bags and other easily carried packages if they do not block an exit or interfere with the operation of the vehicle or other passengers. Weapons of any kind are not permitted. See the ADA Paratransit and Demand Response Rider's Guide for full information on permitted items.
What if I'm just a visitor to the area?ORT honors the ADA Eligibility of out-of-town visitors for up to 21 days per year, if they present a copy of their current ADA ID Card, their ADA Eligibility award letter, or written confirmation from the public transportation they have ADA Eligibility with. If this eligibility documentation is not available, ADA Paratransit will be provided if proof of residence and disability is provided. See the ADA Paratransit and Demand Response Rider's Guide for full information on permitted items.
Ozark Regional Transit's (ORT) Portion of the Ad Revenue for the last 5 years2019 - $56,420 2020 - $93,800 2021 - $66,520 2022 - $64,556.80 2023 - $73,954.40
What percentage of advertising revenue does Ozark Regional Transit (ORT) receive?ORT receives 40% of advertising revenue.
If we need an Ozark Regional Transit (ORT) bus for a wrap, what cities could they be delivered to?Our buses have been taken to locations in Springdale, Fayetteville, Tontitown, and Avoca for wrap installation.
What is the process and timeline for taking a bus out of service for an advertising wrap at Ozark Regional Transit (ORT)If a bus will need to be out of service for an advertising wrap, Ozark Regional Transit (ORT) requests a minimum of five business day advanced notice. This is necessary for our operations department to reassign a vehicle to an out-of-service status. ORT asks that the vehicle be out of revenue service no more than one week. ORT prefers that the provider work through the weekend to accomplish the task of wrapping a bus to minimize the number of days the vehicle is out of revenue service. With 24 hours’ notice of anticipated completeness, ORT will schedule the staff necessary to transport the vehicle back to ORT property.
Can the Ozark Regional Transit (ORT) logo be covered when applying a new advertising panel?Unless the new advertising panel incorporates ORT’s logo, ORT logos cannot be covered.
Can you confirm that the production and installation of fleet graphics will be restricted solely to advertising for third parties purchasing this service through the revenue proposal, excluding special events, custom wraps, or other non-advertiser designs?Advertisement is defined as promoting third-party goods and/or services or other general information a company/organization wants to communicate to the public. This excludes custom wraps, designs for special events, or non-advertiser content unless explicitly part of a third-party advertising agreement.